The place where the technology shows up!

Lots of gadgets release every year. And technology increases for every second in this world. But where all these things show up? 
It's simple. At events.
Every year events like MWC, CES, Computex e.t.c. are held, where companies come to exhibit their products. This may be a kind of marketing thing. But, these events also make this like a competition by announcing winners for the category. So, the consumer can make their decision to choose what they want to buy.
Many bloggers and vloggers post their experience and opinions on products that they have seen at the event. So, reviews can be attained from the time of the event.
These range from small scale to large scale industries and products. Mobile, PCs, gadgets and so on. A lot will be covered. MWC mostly showcases smartphones and its accessories kind of things. CES and Computex are where most of the PCs and as well as smartphones are showcased including some other electronic gadgets.
MWC, CES, Computex are a kind where marketing thing goes on and events like developer conferences mainly showcase the technology and its advancements. It may be hardware component or it may be software. Google I/O, Apple WWDC are two of the best developer conferences.
So, if you wanna know about technology and its advancements keep eye on these type of events.
